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School Houses

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AMISTAD Amistad is the House that originates from Mexico. A group of kind but powerful individuals that are known most for their unconquered spirit. This is why, in the language of their ancestry, their name means “friendship.” Incoming members are often a mix of extremes — our students can be extremely intelligent, creative, friendly, and competitive; Amistad is a very diverse group! Although it took the House 8 years to win its first house championship, the fierce spirit of the House never wavered. The House takes great inspiration from its symbolic animal, the immortal peacock, and the leaders always remind the members that the fighting spirit of an Amistadian never dies. Members of our House are consistently challenged to self-reflect because we believe that “Once the peacock finds its feathers, it discovers who it really is.” Therefore, the encouragement is for each student to find their own feathers and step into their greatness. While some students may enter the House lacking confidence, they will learn to embrace their authenƟc selves and master the giŌs, talents, and virtues of an Amistadian. Once this milestone occurs, a student may earn the highest honor of the House, knighthood. As a knight, they are fierce warriors, protectors of the realm, and guardians of the kingdom’s most valuable treasure, friendship. Language: Spanish Heritage: Mexico Symbolic Animal: The Immortal Peacock First Student Leader: Raymond Warmsley First Staff Leader: Rhonda Lokey Instagram: @houseofamistad

SOLLEVARE Sollevare is the House that originates from Italy. It was formed by a group who understood that the true strength of being undefeated warriors lies in always geƫng back up, no maƩer how many Ɵmes they may be knocked down. The members of the House of Sollevare are known for their upliŌing nature — always rising above, and helping others do the same. This is where their name comes from in LaƟn, meaning to “liŌ” up. New members have a spark of creaƟvity — even if it is only a dim spark in the beginning, they will grow to have a great fire of creaƟvity as they conƟnue on! This is because it takes great creaƟvity to see the ability to rise above in any circumstance; being able to liŌ others up means seeing past the current problem, and thinking ahead about the next step. All of these things together are why the House of Sollevare takes inspiraƟon from the Phoenix as their symbolic animal. The Phoenix is a powerful creature who is able to rise up from the fire and ashes, reborn into an even greater being because it has learned from its mistakes or sacrifices. Full of ancient power and wisdom, the Phoenix reminds the members of the House not only that it is their duty to rise up from the ashes, but also their duty to help others do the same. Because when we upliŌ everyone around us, we upliŌ and create a beƩer world for us all. Language: LaƟn Heritage: Italy Symbolic Animal: The Phoenix Instagram: @houseofsollevare

ISIBINDI Isibindi is a tight-knit group of individuals, like a pride of African lions, where family means everything. The House’s symbolic animals, the mute swan and the lion, serve to empower incoming members. While new students might be quiet or shy at first, the longer that they are in the House, the more they begin to display the characteristics of strength and bravery. In Zulu, Isibindi means “courage.” The dichotomy of sharing symbolic animals between the gentle and beautful swan and the proud and courageous lion is what makes Isibindi so unique. It is a House that inherits the legend and influence of both Shaka Zulu as well as Nelson Mandela. It is a House that knows when to be strategic and creative, or when to pull back and be reserved, but also when to go full force with power and strength. This is why Isibindi welcomes creative and quiet kids and turns them into leaders over time. They learn that, like the mute swan, their quiet creativity can be harnessed to speak volumes in its own way. Language: Zulu Heritage: South Africa Symbolic Animal: The Mute Swan and the Lion First Student Leader: Chichi Ugwuh First Staff Leader: Stanley Adkins Instagram: @houseofisibindi

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RÊVEUR Rêveur is a royal House whose name in French means “dreamers” or “idealists” — because the members who fill this group are students filled with freedom and wild abandon who recognize their dreams and will let nothing stand in the way of achieving them. This can be seen in the unicorn, which is on the center of the House’s crest, a powerful creature who is almost impossible to tame. Similarly, the House of Rêveur is a House of passion. Rêveur is the natural rival of Altruismo, because in the early days of the House Championships, Altruismo beat Rêveur by a single point, and they held a winning streak over them for three years. In 2011-2012 school year, the wheel did not sort very many students into Rêveur, and so it became the smallest of the four Houses. But the staff House Leader, Ron Clark, rallied the students together and told them: “This year, because our House is smaller, we each have to be bigger. We each have to mulƟply ourselves this year!” And that was the year that Rêveur, despite being the smallest House, went on to win its first championship. This legend is now passed down to remind students that the size of the House is not as important as the size of the hearts and efforts of its members. Language: French Heritage: France Symbolic Animal: The Wolf First Student Leader: Zharia White First Staff Leader: Ron Clark Instagram: @houseofreveur