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Policy Manual


  • 1000 - Board of Trustees
     Policies covered in this section:
  • 2000 - Instruction
     Policies covered in this section:
          2000 - Goals
          2100 - School Year Calendar and Day
          2105 - Grade Organization
          2110 - Objectives
          2113 - Pre-kindergarten Programs
          2120 - Curriculum Development and Assessment
          2123 - Lesson Plan
          2130 - Program Evaluation and Diagnostic Tests
          2132 - Research Studies
          2140 - Guidance and Counseling
          2151 - Interscholastic Activities
          2160-2160P - Title I
          2161-2161P - Special Education (RESERVED)
          2162-2162P - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
          2163 - Traffic Education
          2165 - Homebound, Hospital and Home Instruction
          2167 - Correspondence Courses
          2221 - School Closure
          2309 - Library Materials
          2309P - Selection of Library Materials
          2310 - Selection of Library Materials
          2311 - Instructional Materials
          2311P - Selection, Adoption and Removal of Textbooks and Instructional Materials
          2312 - Copyright
          2312P - Copyright Compliance
          2314 - Learning Materials Review
          2320 - Field Trips, Excursions and Outdoor Education
          2322 - Contests for Students
          2330 - Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom
          2332 - Student Religious Activity at School
          2333 - Participation in Commencement Exercises
          2334 - Release Time for Religious Instruction
          2375 - Advancement Requirements (9-12)
          2410-2410P - High School Graduation Requirements
          2420 - Grading and Progress Reports
          2430 - Homework
  • 3000 - Students
     Policies covered in this section:
          3110 - Entrance, Placement and Transfer
          3110P - Enrollment Procedures and Requirements
          3120 - Compulsory Attendance
          3121-3121P - Enrollment and Attendance Records
          3122-3122P - Attendance Policy
          3130 - Students of Legal Age
          3140 - Student Transfers
          3141 - Discretionary Nonresident Student Attendance Policy
          3143 - Homeless Students
          3145 - Foreign Exchange Students
          3150 - Part-Time Attendance / Dual Enrollment
          3200 - Student Rights and Responsibilities
          3210 - Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity

      3212 - Native American Policies and Procedures

      3215 - Uniform Grievance Procedure

      3215P - Uniform Grievance Procedure Form

      3221 - Student Publications
      3222 - Distribution and Posting of Materials
      3224 - Student Dress
      3225-3225P - Sexual Harassment/Intimidation of Students
      3231-3231P - Searches and Seizure
      3233 - Student Use of Buildings: Equal Access
      3235 - Video Surveillance
      3300 - Corrective Actions and Punishment
      3300P - Corrective Actions and Punishment
      3305, 3305 P&F - Bullying
      3310 - Student Discipline
      3310P - Discipline of Students with Disabilities (RESERVED)
      3311 - Drug Free School Zone
      3312 - Detention
      3345-3345P - Athletic Code and Eligibility/Drug Testing Consent
      3410 - Student Health
      3411 - Wellness
      3416 - Administering Medicines to Students
      3416P - Administering Medicines to Students Procedures
      3416F - Administering Medicines Log
      3417 - Communicable Diseases
      3422 - Suicide
      3431 - Emergency Treatment
      3440 - Removal of Student During School Hours
      3440P - Removal of Student During School Days
      3505 - Concussion Protocol
      3510 - School Sponsored Student Activities
      3520 - Student Fees, Fines and Charges
      3530 - Student Fund Raising Activities
      3535 - Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
      3600-3600P - Student Records
      3600F - Student Records; Notification to Parents and Students of Rights Concerning a Student’s School Records
      3605 - Relations With Non-Custodial Parents
      3606 - Transfer of Student Records
      3611 - Gangs and Gang Activity
      3612-3612P - District-Provided Access to Electronic Information, Services, and Networks
      3612F - Internet Access Conduct Agreement
      3615 - Student Data and Security Policy
      3620 - Substance Abuse

  • 4000 - Community Relations
     Policies covered in this section:
          4000 - Goals
          4120 - Public Relations
          4301 - Visitors to the Schools
          4305 - Sex Offenders
          4310 - Public Complaints
          4310P - Uniform Grievance Procedure
          4310F - Uniform Grievance Procedure Form
          4313 - Disruption of School Operations
          4315 - Spectator Conduct and Sportsmanship for Athletic and Co-Curricular Events
          4316 - Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
          4320 - Contact with Students
          4321 - Distribution of Fund Drive Literature Through Students
          4330 - Community Use of School Facilities
          4330F - Rental Agreement
          4331 - Use of School Property for Posting Notices
          4332 - Conduct on School Property
          4333 - Community Use of School Equipment
          4340 - Public Access to District Records
          4410 - Relations with the Law Enforcement and Child Protective Agencies
          4411 - Investigations and Arrests by Police
  • 5000 - Personnel
     Policies covered in this section:
         5000 - Board Goal/Personnel
         5002 - Accommodating Individuals With Disabilities
         5010 - Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination
         5012-5012P-5012F - Sexual Harassment/Sexual Intimidation in the Workplace
         5021 - Applicability of Personnel Policies
         5100 - Personnel Records
         5100P - Procedures for Releasing Personnel Records
         5100F1 - Authorization for Release of Past Employment
         5100F2 - Request to Employer for Past Employment Records
         5100F3 - Request for Verification of Certificate Status
         5120 - Voluntary Salary Deductions
         5122 - Criminal History/Background Checks
         5122F - Authorization to Release Information
         5125 - Teacher’s Salaries
         5130 - Staff Health
         5135 - Retirement
         5140 - Classified Employment and Assignment
         5210 - Assignments, Reassignments, Transfers
         5221 - Work Day
         5222A - Evaluation of Non-Certificated Staff
         5222B - Evaluation of Certificated Staff
         5222BP - Certified Evaluation Procedure
         5222F - Parent or Guardian Input Form
         5222F2 - Certificated Evaluation Model/Process
         5223 - Personal Conduct
         5224 - Political Activity - Staff Participation
         5225 - Tobacco Free Policy
         5226 - Drug-Free Workplace
         5227 - Pre-Employment Drug Testing
         5228-5228P - Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers
         5229 - Employee Use of Social Media Sites
         5229P - Recommended Practices for Use of Social Media Sites
         5230 - Prevention of Disease Transmission
         5231 - Personnel Records
         5232 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
         5232F - Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect
         5240-5240P-5240F - Resolution of Staff Complaints/Problem-Solving
         5251 - Resignations
         5256 - Reduction in Force
         5256P - Reduction in Force Procedures
         5314 - Substitutes
         5321 - Leaves of Absence
         5323 - Administrative Leave with Pay: Delegation of Authority
         5325-5325F (A, B, & C) - Sick Leave Bank
         5328-5328P - Family Medical Leave
         5329 - Employee Leave Sharing
         5329P - Employee Leave Sharing Procedures
         5330 - Military Service
         5331 - Insurance Benefits for Employees / Trustees
         5333 - Holidays
         5334 - Vacations
         5336 - Compensatory Time and Overtime/Classified Employees
         5337 - Workers’ Compensation
         5337P - Workers’ Compensation Procedures
         5420 - Aides
         5430 - Volunteers / Contractors
         5450 - Employee Electronic Mail and On-Line Services Usage
         5460 - Telephones
         5470 - Staff Protection
  • 6000 - Administration
     Policies covered in this section:
         6000 - Goals
         6110-6110P - Superintendent
         6121 - District Organization
         6140 - Duties and Qualifications of Administrative Staff Other Than Superintendent
         6141 - Employment Restrictions for Administrative Personnel
         6210 - Principals
         6410 - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
         6420 - Professional Growth and Development
         6430 - Administration in the Absence of the Superintendent
  • 7000Series-FinancialManagement-FinalAdopted.pdf
     Policies covered in this section:
  • 8000 - Auxiliary Services
     Policies covered in this section:
          8000 - Goals
          8100 - Transportation
          8102 - Contracting for Transportation Services
          8110 - Bus Routes and Schedules
          8110P - Emergency Closing
          8111 - Transportation of Students with Disabilities
          8121 - District-Owned Vehicles
          8121P - District-Owned Vehicles
          8123 - Driver Training and Responsibility
          8124 - Student Conduct on Buses
          8125 - Emergencies
          8132 - Activity Trips
          8200 - Food Services
          8200P - Payment of Meals/Past Due Accounts
          8250 - Wellness
          8230 - Nutrition
          8300 - Risk Management
          8301 - District Safety
          8302 - Inspection of School Facilities / Emergency Evacuation Plan
          8320 - Property Damage
          8410 - Records Management
          8421 - Computer Software
  • 9000 - School Facilities
     Policies covered in this section:
          9000 - Goals
          9200 - Acquisition, Use and Disposal of School Property
          9242 - Contractor License, Surety Bonds and Insurance
          9300 - Operation and Maintenance of District Facilities
          9311 - Safety Program
          9320 - Security
          9330 - Facilities Operations
          9350 - District-Wide Asbestos Program
          9360 - Rental Housing
          9370 - Grant Funded Technology Equipment